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Friday, August 31, 2012


I know I have not been blogging much or updating *if there are any readers in my blog*

Anyway, I got an injustice to rant about and I sincerely from the bottom of my fucking EVIL HEART wish that the business will close down by the end of this year!!!

Here goes:
As most people know last month July I worked for this Meido-cafe (Those otaku boys fantasy cafe) around city hall area.
Pronunciation of the Meido cafe is very similar to kawaii (Will not state the official name in case my friend get sued by the BASTARD!)

So I worked  there for one day only during July as I was unhappy with the pay stated by my interviewer and the boss. The interviewer labelled as 'G' ok? Stated that my pay would be $6.50/hr (my expecting pay was $7 btw). So I agreed and so did he, both came to an agreement of my working hours and other miscellaneous stuff including training.

So on my first day of work, the lady boss labelled 'M' (a bitch btw HIAKS), placed me to work the closing shift alone. Not only that, I wasn't even given any training at all and she expect me to prepare the food which on that day my jobscope was just to take orders which I had self memorized before work commence (I went to work 30minutes earlier). But asking me to prepare the food I was like WTH, it's my first day?! And for a rate of a pathetic $6.50 you expect your meidos to greet, take orders, cook, clean up, barista, cashier. YOUMADYO?! So when I told her I don't know how to prepare the meal that she mentioned she just TSK and roll her eyes at me then point it out to me. Hello? I just step into the cooking area you know? So nevermind, prepared the food for her daughter (when the cb cereal is just in front of her and she is just to lazy to prepare her own daughter's meal, FAIL)

So when it was evening time, the 'older' staff knocked off work, leaving me alone with the big boss labelled 'E' (the main BASTARD). He expects the experienced staff to teach me how to cook all the dishes etc cause he himself (as the boss) doesn't know how to. JOKE! Btw, he is from a really rich family and have a very stuck-up attitude around him and he looks like a girl, including his actions. (I'm not bias against gay people, I love them in fact, provided they are not those nasty ones, nasty ones should just DIE.) And to make your experienced staff to stay back to teach me with no additional pay, seriously? You never heard of treating your staff good = they will help you to generate more sales?? So nevermind, just on my first day itself I learned of the menu and cashiering and a little cooking of their menu items (IN WHICH THEY SAY IS RAMEN BUT IS ACTUALLY MAGGIE MEE LA). 

So when the cafe was empty at around 8+, I went around doing the usual cleaning etc and stuff and prepare for closing. In which their coffee machine is different from the type used in school so I naturally am unsure of how to fucking remove it and 'E' asked me whether I know how to or not? And I said no, he said die la. But luckily he knows how to do so if not seriously, he can go bang wall. And after that he had a really long chat with me with small threats placed in his conversation with me which he thinks that I would not notice. You kidding me? It's so fucking obvious. Not only that, tries to act close with me. You know like customer service, know how to empathize with em so they will trust you etc.

So I told his partner 'M' that I will try out this week and see how it goes before deciding whether or not I want to continue the job, plus with the pay given and the amount of jobscope that I have to perform do not tally at all. So he was like saying:

E: Hey, I heard from M that you are just trying out right? You don't lie to me ok. In here, no one have secrets and I don't like secrets

Me: *Thinking to myself why would I even lie to you? LAMEEE* Yupp. Just wanted to try out and see how it goes.

E: Is it because of the pay?

Me: Yes. I find that the pay do not work well with me. *proceeds to tell him my long family financial situation*

E: I understand how you feel. But for me, I just started learning to manage my own money cause my parents always give me what I want. But now, I am working I spend my own hard-earn money I also have to consider.

Me: Ya, i always go and source for cheap items including food etc before purchasing blah blah. *Just my rubbish talk* But I will try out this week first and consider.

E: But you know you are very lucky that we hire you, huh? There's this uni student that even applied for this job but we rejected her, you know we have about 100 applicants that send in their resume but we hire you? That uni student also siao one uh, uni want to work here. You see how popular my cafe is?
Ok. To be honest, we hire you mainly also because you are pretty, you can attract the market that we want to (On my 1st day of work got 2-3 customers requesting to take photo with me already, trying so hard to keep me at work. NO CHANCE. Anyway also not much customer that day. #FAIL). But since you got this job already shouldn't you treasure it? I am giving you this opportunity to earn money you know? And if anyone bully you or don't want to teach you just tell me ok? I help you to lecture them, and if got gossips around here tell me (THE GOSSIP KING IS U LO! PLUS MAMA ME DON'T GOSSIP cause I hate politics!). But usually we will have a thrash out session so you don't have to worry. All the girls here very bitchy one and I always call them sluts (MY BRAIN WENT: WTF SLUT IS NOT A WORD TO LABEL ANY WOMAN U BASTARD), they just laugh it off. hur hur (The tone used when he said slut, he meant it as slut slut, how can that be joking you tell me?!). You see, you work here we won't ill-treat you. But if the girls and you ever get close and want to plan an outing, I won't allow all, if all go who will look after my shop for me huh? I very busy you know? *And more proud talks which is annoying me*

Me: Erm.. Ok. I will consider again. *Forgotten what I said anyway, had an hr conversation with the bastard*

So I was scheduled to work 2 days later and the lady boss 'M' arranged a total screw up schedule which is not what I have discussed of with 'G'. Then I came to realize if you don't take notice of your staff schedules and just place them to work without planning, total disrespect for the staff. No point in me working for you and your plastic smiles. So I sms-ed and told them Thursday will be my last day of work and thank them for the job opportunity. Guess what? They kicked me out of the group chat immediately and never inform me anything about the 2nd day work and not to say my pathetic 1 day pay which I slogged and dirtied my hands on for. I clean, wash the dishes, sweep and mop the floor, wipe the tables and chairs etc, throw the rubbish etc all alone. 'E' only helped to do the cashier closing and passed me the used utensils. So there, I am not paid for my 1 day job.

So now I shall spill that outlet dirty deeds.
Firstly! Their storeroom is in a mess and there are tons of baby cockroaches in the cafe *smugs*
You didn't knew!

Secondly, the maid uniform are mostly UNWASHED! EEEWW! Imagine guest taking photo with the meidos and touching their dirty linens. WAHAHAHAHAHA!

Thirdly, their table cloth is SO DIRTY that at the end of the day no one bother to rinse it (i did on that day for them) and it stinks like hell. Imagine wiping the table and chairs with those yucky cloth! HAHAHA!!!

Fourthly, the ramen is basically maggie mee and the ingredients used are sometimes expired or mouldy and smells funny, yet is still being served to the guest (poor guest, luckily no one food poisoning yet!)

Fifth, the desserts, mainly cakes!!! Have been refrigerated for almost a year and not sold out yet, DON'T EVER BUY THEIR CAKE! You die none of my business, I warned you. HAHA

Sixth: GIRLS who are currently working there, I HOPE YOU SEE THIS or maybe not cause I might get into trouble, stop being their PETS. EEWWW.. Plus the staff there currently looks are normal. SCOFF!!

Seventh: If you girls suddenly quit, TRUST ME! THEY WON'T PAY YOU A SINGLE CENT! Just like me and 2 other girls. That is why all the pioneer batch left after E took over the business from the previous boss.

So my friend went to MOM to sue the Bastard 'E' after being unable to get him or 'M' on their mobile, they ignored her sms and mine as well when I thick skin asked for my one day pay (apparently they hide our punch cards too or perhaps destroyed it already) and he threatened her so she dropped the case. HELLO! I worked 1 day so if you are not paying me, fine, I won't say anything. My friend who is the pioneer batch worked so  hard for you and you are not giving her her pay? Threatened her somemore.

Conversation btw me and my gf:

Now tell me, does such boss deserve his business to survive and continue preying on innocent girls?!
So if we join the company we can't quit, if we do we can't get paid even if we worked for many days?
I just hope that my friend would have the courage and open up the case and win this law suit.
And do not ever patronize (C)Kawaii Koohii at FUNAN IT MALL (trying to make the name not so obvious. AHEM).
Unless you all want to die of food poisoning one day i beg you to just go.

Help spread the love people to prevent harm to other girls from working there and getting cheated of their pay and prevent people from dying from their food!

*hurts to type with my long nails* damn!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for letting us know ^^ will not patronize that cafe :)

Anonymous said...

Was there a few years ago. I should've let you guys sit down with me and pretend to make some small talk, creating some "timeout" from your usual chores.

The first visit was nice, having a maid to talk to, the subsequent visits doesn't feel the warmth anymore as time goes by, the maids just station at the counter, doing their chores and no time for the customers. Now I know why, they basically did EVERYTHING, like one of them told me secretly.

Anyway, I'm glad you got out of there, cos there's no reason to stay if the employer mistreat their employees like so.

I wish you a smoother path ahead in your life. Stay cheerful. :D